To boost hand hygiene among young children, the ibox team was hired by Kellogg’s during the covid-19 period. They proposed a hand sanitizer made into wristbands with favorite cartoon characters. One million of Kellogg’s popular wristbands were distributed by the company in shops. In this regard, it assisted children to understand hand hygiene playfully. Moreover, it facilitated quick hand-washing for children whenever soap and water were not readily available. The wristbands enhanced parent satisfaction with the health and focus of children, according to Kellogg’.
It probably retained and even attracted more customers, as Kellogg’s was perceived as a brand concerned with people’s safety or healthy living. By and large, Kellogg’s partnership with ibox to create character sanitizer wristbands aimed at inculcating proper hand hygiene practices among kids during the COVID-19 era succeeded. It offered a realistic idea that was entertaining as well and demonstrated to the people how concerned Kellogg was about its consumers.